The prospect of packing can be a daunting one, sometimes a hectic one, but almost always an overwhelming one. It requires organization, prioritizing and decision-making. As you pack you often find things you had forgotten you had owned. Do you throw it out? Does it need to go in with the delicates? What kind of material should you use to wrap it? Is there anything you want to keep with you, that does not go on to the truck? These questions and many more can produce anxiety.

There are plenty of resources online with tips on packing – and we offer them here. However we recommend you limit yourself to what you might need personally during the move – in other words, anything not going on the truck. A change of clothes, toiletries, mobile devices and power cords are among the basics you should keep close. Furniture, appliances and electronics should be left to the professionals. 

Marvel Moving


As we said, there are some items you may wish to pack personally and keep close, while leaving the rest to the movers to pack. That is just fine, but there are two important things to keep in mind.


You Need to Prepare Your Home

Prepare for professional packers? That’s right. If you want to save money and use less of their time, there are a number of things you can do to prepare your home for the move, and for packers to come in.


What You Pack

It is not common knowledge but movers are not liable for belongings you pack. It’s simple really. You could improperly secure a box and delicate items fall out of the bottom. So if you insist on packing some of your more personal stuff, make sure to use solid boxes, soft material (such as a towel) at the bottom to cushion any fragile items and use extra tape.


There may be keepsakes and valuables you want to keep close to your person, and we understand that. The rest you should leave to us – especially the kitchen. The kitchen is the most time-consuming area to pack just because of the sheer number of items in it. It’s also time-consuming because many have china or delicate cookware or utensils that need to be handled with care. We recommend your leaving that to us. What you can do to prepare your home can include.


Having a Garage Sale

It could be a fun Saturday with the kids, right? And better than throwing things out. You could hold a moving away sale and then donate the rest to the Salvation Army, to help de-clutter your home.


Prepare Favorite Delicates

You could wrap some favorite delicates in bubble wrap, or stuff hollow items to prevent damages.


Organize Your Belongings

If you want bedroom stuff packed separately from living room stuff – which most people do – just start organizing your home accordingly, to be sure that whatever they pick up in a certain room to pack gets packed with everything else there.


Disconnect Appliances

Any appliances with a water line should be disconnected as early as possible so they can be prepared by our crews for transit.


Collect Unbreakables in Boxes

You can also save yourself money by collecting small unbreakable items and boxing them up in secure boxes with tape, labeling them accordingly. You also de-clutter further.


Marvel Moving provides a variety of different services that can meet your needs,
to allow your moving be stress free!


Moving heavy items such as safes, bathtubs or grand pianos pose risk of major injury if you don’t know what you are doing, let alone risk of damage to the item itself. Let the professionals do it.


Apartment moving is a bit of a headache as you have to deal with elevators and any restrictions on their use. A common mistake is to assume the challenges are similar to those of living in a house.


Think you can easily move out or into a condo? Think again? Condos present thorny issues, including restrictions on elevators, narrow entranceways and in some cases, steep stair cases. Let us help.

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