That’s the key word here – professional. Professional moving services do everything you cannot, assume all the risk and save you a bunch of money in the process. How does that sound?

Some people may scoff at this claim, but when you sit down and calculate money you would lose or have to spend with childcare, needing take time off work, or for gas or truck rental expenses. This is not to mention the expenses you will have to incur if you throw your back out or are injured. Chiropractors and physiotherapists can be very expensive. You can also (easily) incur expenses with furniture that must be repaired or walls that require painting should you scratch property in your clumsy efforts.  

So until you sit down for a consult with the pros, don’t rule them out! It’s not just money you can save, but stress and major headaches. Our movers can handle moves of any size, from small apartments and condos to houses, dorms and businesses.

Marvel Moving


We are proud of our movers. We believe in investing in them with good training. We are sending them into your home handling your most personal affects and we take that seriously. Our movers are all insured. As they work on moves they also undergo safety training on an ongoing basis, learning about upgrades on professional equipment needed for each job. We believe that all of these measures make our movers more productive as they feel supported. And that means better service for you.


We upgrade our equipment as often as necessary as old equipment can be a hazard. Faulty hand carts or back braces have no place on a move and we make sure of it. We clean and maintain our trucks regularly to ensure there are no mishaps or accidents on the road, or a breakdowns that can lead to delays. Just imagine everything you own being stuck in a truck on the highway, broken down! We make it a point to prevent that. And we also ensure our packing materials are sufficient, to protect your belongings in transit.


Marvel Moving provides a variety of different services that can meet your needs,
to allow your moving be stress free!


Moving heavy items such as safes, bathtubs or grand pianos pose risk of major injury if you don’t know what you are doing, let alone risk of damage to the item itself. Let the professionals do it.


Apartment moving is a bit of a headache as you have to deal with elevators and any restrictions on their use. A common mistake is to assume the challenges are similar to those of living in a house.


Think you can easily move out or into a condo? Think again? Condos present thorny issues, including restrictions on elevators, narrow entranceways and in some cases, steep stair cases. Let us help.

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